Ethos & Aspirations 7 Principles for a Good Life

Police and Community

need each other!

Surely we should all do everything we can to ensure everyone can be, and feel, safe wherever they are, fulfilling the most basic human need.

Support local people and projects to ensure thriving, vibrant, wholly inclusive communities work for and with everyone, addressing needs, fulfilling aspirations, offering opportunity for all.

Safe Spaces for Everyone

Change is inevitable but not all change is progress, the policeman on the beat had a very close relationship with the communities served and whose presence provided a symbol of security, a person you could rely on and trust to help you when needed, communities had ready access to their local police station either in person or by phone but in the name of progress all this is long gone as police patrol in cars, police stations and local courts have closed and enquiries are met with an anonymous voice offering ‘options’ when you really need to speak to a human being.

The basic principle of policing has remained since inception and is as valid to day as ever, key to providing an effective, efficient police service that retains public trust and confidence is ready access when needed and appropriate response.

Anyone who knows anything about policing will know the most vital, essential element is accessibility, the ability to easily speak to the police who rely on information from the public to perform their duties, without this access the relationship between police and public deteriorates, the effectiveness of the police deteriorates and a chasm opens up between remote, ineffective police and communities who feel betrayed and abandoned.

As communities pay for the police ‘service’ surely we must have some say in how the ‘service’ is provided and we believe it is time to make our voices heard before the service becomes any more remote and irrelevant.

Policing by consent is an essential element of a free society, as important as the right to participate in free elections is to Democracy !

We, the undersigned petition the UK Government and the Mayor of North Yorkshire to provide an effective Police Service in North Yorkshire that is:-

You can print the petition by clicking here and make it available for others within your community

police petition with continuation and poster.pdf

Policing is a vital public service, essential elements:-

Mail:, effective policing&body=I support the petition, below I give my full name, post code and county of residence.