Ethos & Aspirations 7 Principles for a Good Life

We do our best to respond to emails in a timely fashion, the target is within 24 hours, the ideal is the same day.


Call or text (preferable to leaving voice messages) or join us on Telegram or Whatsapp (up2yew).


C/o 31 Burnmoor Crescent

Ingleton, Carnforth, Lancs LA6 3BS

Love to hear from you

A little Help makes a BIG difference.

The opportunities are endless, initially voluntary help but we want to offer quality employment as soon as practically possible and you can help make this happen.

Talk to us and explore the possibilities.


Sponsor a project,

Could you second staff to help us,

Office or logistical support.

Get more Involved:-

Mail: input is always welcome, ideas, suggestions, questions, constructive criticism, we can only develop with your help.dare to live page 1.pdfcommunity code.pdf

You are welcome to use any of our promotional material, simply click on the image you want to download, it is all press ready.

If you would like any of the below personalised to include your contact details just send us the information and we will send you the amended art work via email for you to print. We use for quality, affordable and fast service.