Ethos & Aspirations 7 Principles for a Good Life

The reality is:-

Almost every death and serious injury on the road is a preventable tragedy.

On average five people die needlessly    

every day on the roads in the UK and countless more are seriously injured.

Together we can dramatically reduce the suffering and save lives and money!

Make a donation and We will send you:-

Two stickers to go on the back of your car,

you can order more at just £2.50 each,

A double sided, wallet size card as shown to keep with you.

Larger Vehicles

The design is available printed on vinyl at

30 cm diameter for £5 each.

Available to order at any size, contact us.

Councils, Community Projects

The logo is available to display in public places

Contact us for prices and specifications.

Signs to display within communities, schools, anywhere and everywhere.

The cards are a work in progress and are expected to evolve during the course of the campaign, so any suggestions please send them in.

A project to encourage and promote safer use of our roads with the aim of reducing deaths, injuries and stress for all road users, reminding us of our obligations to each other, making travel more enjoyable and safer.

Provisional figures for road collisions in Great Britain in 2022 show an estimated:-

It is estimated around 430 pedestrians are killed on UK roads every year as an average.


Do your best

Think of others when using the roads,

Follow the Highway Code,

Look at the cards regularly,

Measure your behaviour against those standards,

Mistakes are a means to improvement,

Learn from examples of good conduct that you see.

A partnership

As with life this project will evolve and the more you are able to share your views, experience, insight, observations, constructive criticism, the more effective we will be, so please contact us.

Mail: input is always welcome, ideas, suggestions, questions, constructive criticism, we can only develop with your help. Mail: me in&body=Please give your name and contact details, these will be stored electronically and securely. They will NOT be shared with anyone, and will only be used to contact you regarding this campaign.

If you are making a donation please use your name as the reference and tell us the amount donated here. Please specify how many stickers you would like. the_official_highway_code_-_27-07-2022.pdf